Good Insulation: energy efficient (so cost reducing) and very comfortable

Good Insulation: energy efficient (so cost reducing) and very comfortable

  • By: Dev
Good Insulation: energy efficient (so cost reducing) and very comfortable

Good Insulation: energy efficient (so cost reducing) and very comfortable

Thanks to the good isolation value of log construction (thanks to the wall thickness), you will be able to offer a year round comfortable accommodation for your guests and extend your season. During summer, air condition is not needed. And in harsh winter times, an efficient wood burner helps you maintain a comfortable temperature in no time. Provided the home is sealed properly (between the foundation and the first course of logs, between log-to-log connections and where the roof system meets the log wall), you can have a super energy efficient home. Today we can build a log and timber home to be 15 to 20 percent more energy efficient than a conventional home.

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